
Showing posts from October, 2020

Why this is the most valuable thing anyone will ever tell you

Today, I would like to share a piece of writing that I wrote a while back. The reason I am sharing this again now is that I really do think the message it carries is really powerful & wonderful. Please do me and yourself a favor and leave whatever you are doing and read this. -من أهم ما قد تسمع -وأنا الأحوج لسماع هذا الدين الدين الدين فالدينُ أساسُ الحياةِ، وإن أردت الدين فالصلاة الصلاة الصلاة فهي عماد الدين فإنه قد تهبط عنك الزكاة إن كنت غير مقتدر، و قد يهبط عنك الصيام إن كنت مريضًا أو علىٰ سفر، و قد تهبط عنك فريضة الحج إن كنت لا تقدر على أتعابها: مادية أو جسدية. ولكنك إن كنت مريضًا تصل وأنت جالس وإذا ساءت حالتك تصلي وأنت نائم وإن لم تتوفر المياة فالتيمم، وقد نزلت كل أركان وفرائض الإسلام على نبينا محمد ﷺ على الأرض عدا الصلاة، فقد فُرضت في الإسراء. قال ﷺ: (إنَّ العبدَ إذا قام يُصلِّي أُتِي بذُنوبِه فوُضِعَتْ على رأسِه أو عاتقِه فكلَّما ركَع أو سجَد تساقَطَتْ عنه) كما أنّها أول ما يُحاسب عليه العبد يوم القيامة، وآخر ما أوصىٰ به الرسول ﷺ فقد بقي يردّد رسول اللّٰه ﷺ: ( الصلاة...


I was watching a Thomas Frank video earlier. Since a lot of people are starting college/school these days. Let me introduce you to this concept. Bear with me here. "First, I wanna talk about, just the changing of habits. So in Charles Duhigg's book, The Power of Habit, which I have read and highly recommend, he talks about how people are apt to change their set patterns, their regular behaviors, more often during large life changes, such as moving to a new house, or becoming a parent, or getting married. People who get married or move to a new house are really apt to change the brand of coffee they drink or the cereal they eat. And the book mentions that people going through these big life changes are actually more vulnerable to marketers because of these huge upheavals in their life. Now, this is great information for marketers, maybe not such great information for you if you wanna be a discerning shopper. But it is good information for you if you wanna change you own habits...