Your first 100 Creations are gonna suck. Get them over with.
You may have seen me doing YouTube videos, writing these blog posts, posting to IGTV and even talking about starting a podcast. That's overwhelming. It really is! You may even ask me: "Aren't you embarrassed with these stupid YouTube videos that you are posting?", and in that case my answer will simply be: "Yes!" Well then, Why do you keep doing them? Here is a fact, We are all creative people.. in our own different and very unique ways. This may sound very clichΓ© to you but you cant deny it as a fact. Okay, Where are you going with this? With that being said, If you consider yourself creative in any way, shape or form, then I am very happy to tell you that your first 100 creations are gonna suck no matter what . That may be your first 100 drawings, your first 100 songs, or in my case, your first 100 YouTube videos, your first 100 writings and your first 100 podcasts (If God wills, this a...